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Gazehounds of New England
ARTICLE I Name and Objectives

SECTION 1. The name of the club shall be: Gazehounds Of New England

SECTION 2. The objects of the club shall be:
  1. To abide by the most current American Sighthound Field Association (ASFA) Running Rules and Field Procedures for Lure Field Trials and the ASFA Constitution and by-laws.
  2. To abide by the most current American kennel club (AKC) General Regulations for Lure Coursing Tests and Trials and the AKC Constitution and by-laws.
  3. To abide by the most current rules and regulations of any other recognized organization such as LGRA and NOTRA, which sanction events for sighthounds
  4. To promote interest in purebred sighthounds as well as directing and fostering the natural abilities and qualities of the Sighthound breeds, protecting and advancing their best interests

  5. To encourage sportspersonlike competition and behavior at all club events.

SECTION 3. The Club shall not be conducted or operated for profit and no part of any profits or remainder or residue from dues or activities or donations to the club shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual.

SECTION 4. The members of the club shall adopt and amend such bylaws as may be required to carry out these objectives.

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Unpublished Work - © Gazehounds of New England 2013