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Gazehounds of New England
ARTICLE II Dues and Membership


  1. Every member shall pay annual dues. Each paying member shall have one vote. No member may vote whose dues are not paid for the current year.
  2. During the month of January the Treasurer shall send to each member a statement of his/her dues for the ensuing year. This statement will be sent in conjunction with a notice containing the date, time and place of the annual meeting.
  3. The Board shall be empowered to set dues amounts from time to time as required.

SECTION 2. Election to Membership
  1. Each applicant for membership shall apply on a form as approved by the Board and which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by these Constitution and By-laws and the rules of ASFA, AKC, NOTRA, LGRA, or other organization.
  2. The applicant shall minimally state his/her name, address, email (if applicable) and phone number on the application form.
  3. Accompanying the application, the prospective member shall submit dues payment for the current year.
  4. At the time applicant is admitted to membership, the applicant shall be provided with a copy of these Constitution and By-laws and a current list of members in good standing.
  5. All applications are to be obtained from a Board Member, and each application is to be sent to the Secretary and is read by the Secretary at the first meeting of the Club following its receipt. At that Club meeting the application shall be voted upon. An affirmative vote of three-quarters of the members present and voting at that meeting, shall be required to elect the applicant to membership.
  6. Applicants for membership who have been rejected by the Club shall be notified by mail by the Corresponding Secretary, and may not reapply within one year after such rejection.

SECTION 3. Types of Membership

ACTIVE: Regular members of the Club, with full voting and sponsoring privileges with paid dues; can be elected to office.

SECTION 4. Termination of Membership
  1. By resignation - any member in good standing may resign from the Club upon written notice to the Secretary, but no member may resign when in debt to the club. Dues obligations are considered a debt to the Club and become incurred on the first day of each fiscal year.
  2. By lapsing - a membership will be considered lapsed and automatically terminated if such member's dues remain unpaid 60 days after the first day of the fiscal year. However, the Board may grant an additional period of grace in meritorious cases, on a case by case basis. In no case may a person be entitled to vote at any Club meeting whose dues are unpaid as of the date of that meeting.
  3. By expulsion - a membership may be terminated for behavior prejudicial to the best interests of the Club. A motion must be made to expel said membership by a Club member at a meeting. And a 2/3 vote of members present at that meeting will constitute agreement to said expulsion.

SECTION 5. Reinstatement
  1. Membership terminated by reason of resignation or lapsing must reapply for membership according to Article II, Section 2 of these By-laws, including dues.
  2. An expelled member may not reapply for a period of 3 years. Then, s/he may reapply according to Article II, Section 2 of these By-laws, including dues.

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Unpublished Work - © Gazehounds of New England 2013