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Gazehounds of New England
ARTICLE V Club Year, Nominations and Election

SECTION 1. Club Year
  1. The Club's fiscal year shall begin on the first day of April and end on the last day of March.
  2. The Club's official year shall begin immediately at the conclusion of the election at the annual meeting and shall continue through the election at the next annual meeting.
  3. The elected Board members shall take office immediately upon conclusion of the annual meeting.

SECTION 2. Voting

At a meeting of the Club, voting shall be limited to those members in good standing who are present at the meeting, except for the elections of Board members which shall be decided by written ballots cast by mail. An exception to this by-law shall be the start up of the Club, at which time Board members and other officers may be nominated and voted upon at the first meeting attended by all new members.

SECTION 3. Elections

The nominated candidates receiving the greatest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected. The three nominated candidates for other positions on the board that receive the greatest number of votes for such positions shall be declared elected.

SECTION 4. Nominations and Ballots
  1. No person may be a candidate in a Club election who has not been nominated according to these by-laws.
  2. Nominations shall be taken from the membership at the fall meeting. Each choice shall be seconded. The person nominated shall accept or decline the nomination at this time. The nominee shall be published with the minutes of the fall meeting.
  3. Ballots shall be mailed by the Secretary seven (7) days after the Fall meeting listing all the nominees with the positions they are running for, and shall be returned to the Secretary no later than sic (6) weeks after the Fall meeting.
  4. A committee of three (3) members for elections shall be appointed at the fall meeting to total the votes.
  5. At the annual meeting, the committee will tally the votes, The Secretary shall record the tally, and report the results at the annual meeting, keeping a record of all ballots.

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Unpublished Work - © Gazehounds of New England 2013